[Forest Garden Aydos] Lütfen denetleyin: “DÜĞ
“DÜĞÜN BÄ°TTÄ°KTEN SONRA YAPILACAK 10 ÅžEY” yazınızda bir yorum onayınızı bekliyor
Yazar: good my eng nice day 361 (IP adresi:, 93-89-225-254.fbs.com.tr)
E-posta: harveyprendiville@gmail.com
Adres: https://nicedays361.blogspot.com/2021/04/nice-day-361-wow-good-my-eng.html
In English, talking about the weather is a popular way to strike up a conversation with people you don’t know.
People talk about the weather all the time. This is a good starting point for any personal or telephone conversation. After
all, everyone has an opinion on the weather!
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